Exploration And Development Program At Fire Creek Project
ELKO, NV - Klondex Mines Ltd. reported results from its ongoing 2013 exploration and development program on the Joyce (A1) structure at its Fire Creek project, located in Nevada. The weighted average grade of samples from the Joyce structure is 132.8g/t (3.87opt) Au along 144.2m (473ft) strike, with an average width of 0.6m (2.0ft). This information was derived from 94 face samples ranging from 1.4g/t (0.04opt) Au to 30,228.7g/t (881.6opt) Au. Joyce channel samples taken from north and south of the 5370 and the 5400 crosscuts.
To date, 144.2m (473ft) of exploration development is now complete on the Joyce Structure. Previous drilling near the 5400 and 5370 crosscuts demonstrate that the mineralization extends beyond the current boundaries, both along strike and at depth.
Mike Doolin, General Manager said, "We are obviously very pleased with the results and the valuable perspective the data provides. Not only do these results confirm the continuity of the mineralization along strike, but they also demonstrate the overall grade consistency within the Joyce Structure."
The potential quantities and grades of the mineralization reported above are conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient work to date to define a mineral resource in the Joyce Vein structure. Furthermore, it is uncertain if further exploration will result in discovery of a mineral resource in this area of the Fire Creek project.
Sampling a given face is conducted after the face location has been measured, photographed, and mapped in detail. Continuous rock-chip channel samples are then collected by Klondex staff in 11" x 17" sample bags from the footwall, vein, and hanging wall. Salient features including sample number, channel length, location on face, rock type, and alteration are documented. Samples are sent to SGS Mineral Services Division lab in Elko, Nevada, an independent laboratory, for gravimetric fire assay analysis with blanks and standards.